Wednesday, 30 March 2016

All you need to Know about “Mother Concern” :

NGOs are the non- governmental organizations that works either with the private groups or the societies that are registered under the government for the performance of some of the functions that are allocated by the government or their behalf. The NGOs are really unique type of the arrangements that are made to perform some functions regarding the problems under consideration.

There are a number of NGOs that are working in the world for the different purposes but the most needed NGOs by each and every country, either developed or developing, is the NGO supporting the Women’s rights. There is a great need of such organizations that should work in regards to the rights of the women, for their preservation and for their provision. As women are the building blocks of the nation, the health of theirs, their education, their nutrition and everything must be adequate in order to provide a stronger society.
And that is what is provided by the NGOs like Mother Concern.
Mother Concern is the non- governmental organization that is working for the provision of all the things that are the right of women.
All about Mother Concern:
The organization, Mother Concern, was formed in regards to all the problems and issues that women have to face since the time of their evolution. As we look back at the history of world, women have been considered to not equal to men besides of the fact that they are the building blocks of the nation.
Here are some of the most highlighted issues that the women from all across the world have to face:
  1. Gender inequality in regards to school enrollment
  2. Gender Discrimination in aspect to Employment
  3. Health Facilities
  4. Domestic Violence
  5. Sexual Harassment
  6. Sexual Abuse
Considering all these problems that the women have to face, the Mothers Concern organization was formed for the protection of the rights of the women, their health and number of other factors.
The main objective of the Mother Concern is to address all these problems and to provide the necessary support to them. The organization provides the necessary training, education and the health facilities in order to:
  1. Reduce Maternal and Child Mortality Rate
  2. Improve the Health of the women, their partners and their families to increase the longevity of them.
  3. Advance the healthy development of the child and infants.
  4. Promote gender equality
  5. Promote Women Empowerment
  6. Reduce discrimination and stigma
  7. Promotes universal access to reproductive health and family planning
In the growing globalized world, women of the present era are facing new kinds of the challenges including growing economics, food crises, climate change, natural disasters and armed conflicts that are hitting women and children the hardest. There is the need of the organizations like Mother Concern that can work with the different organizations in order to bring the transformation in the present society and to bring the better tomorrow for the coming generation.

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Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Mother Concern | Empowering NGO

There are a lot of times when you can feel disarmed and helpless, unable to fend for yourself and constantly being too afraid to stand your ground when you have to.
Being scared is never an option, nor is it a pleasant feeling to begin with, and it is that very fear that makes us become the victims.

Mother Concern is an organization that knows the full extent of the damages that powerlessness brings with it, and even since it came into existence, this NGO has handled more than its fair share of cases where these problems have had disastrous consequences.

Truth be told, nobody likes being the victim, nobody liked being abused, mocked, shamed, teased and bullied around, and nobody likes the constant fear that surrounds you.

Has the phrase “Another day has ended and I am afraid of starting it all again tomorrow.” Passed through your mind at any point in time?
Chances are it has and most likely it was in a moment of weakness, where you felt like the entire world was a jungle that was out to get you.
Well, it is a jungle, and all those things that you have been dreading will come true, if you let them.

Mother Concern has everything that you need in order to make sure that this will never happen, including a very important thing that most people overlook at first sight when dealing with these cases, the power to guide you to where you need to go and what you need to do in order to make the nightmare stop.

This NGO will teach you how to be strong not only for yourself but for your children as well, which depend on you to be their rock, their strong support as they are growing up, and seeing their mother become a victim of abuse and various other crimes is never a good sight for kids.

It is all up to you now to take a stand and make sure that you will no longer be a victim, that you will no longer have to lock yourself in and no longer be afraid.

We all have the right to explore the world without being afraid, we all have the right to be confident and feel proud of ourselves, and not have to look in the mirror and be ashamed of ourselves as we are struggling to hide the wounds of the various crimes that have been done against us.

We are never alone, we are never useless, we are people, human beings with rights and privileges, with dignity and the strength that we need in order to rise up and no longer be the ones that are being oppressed.

Together we can put a stop to this, and together we can change your life and your children’s lives and future.

Find the strength to stand up and join us as we take a stand for the rights and the empowerment of all women and all families out there that need it the most.

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Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Welcome to Mother Concern!

Mother Concern is an organization that works in partnership with community-based women’s organizations to address issues of health and reproductive rights, economic development, education and other human rights. We are activists who provide the necessary support to the issues affecting women globally; amplify the voices, build women’s capacity to use social change and women’s rights and strengthen the impact of feminist and social movement activists to transform society.

Mothers Concern founders have pooled the strengths of their diverse social work and life experiences to create an organization that addresses the problems, difficulties, Upliftment and social change of poor and neglected mothers. We are proud to have been part of and contributed to the blossoming and growth of the feminist movements of social change for mothers in different parts of our society. We are committed to continue our participation and contribution to feminist and social movement activism for the oppressed and neglected mothers and to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment.

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