Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Mother Concern, tirelessly fighting against poverty

The fight against poverty has been a long and hard one, taxing on all fronts and more often than not being labeled as unending, which in all fairness it still is for a large percentage of the world’s population.

Mother Concern have been a very important part of the fight against poverty in recent years, helping more and more families overcome it and slowly but surely become well off enough to actually support and fend for themselves.
This is not an easy feat to accomplish, seeing as the cultural differences and often times the social environments in which these families are make this task a big challenge in of itself.

What this NGO does in order to help

It goes without saying that poverty can occur fast, without us even noticing until it is too late, and even though the warnings might be there, some people simply might not be able to read them in time.
This is what happened to a lot of people in times long gone, however there are also different factors which are beyond their direct control, which affect their financial and material situation without them even getting as much as a say in the matter, like markets crashing and infrastructures collapsing.
There are also the people that have been perpetually poor, not knowing way in which to evolve or grow beyond their limitations and constraints.
These people are the ones that need help the most because they are indeed hopeless, just like everyone else is once they reach a certain low point from which there is no getting back from.
It is simply impossible to break through without help and a lot of people just give up and take it as it is, often times being too depressed, angry or disappointed to see the other solutions that they have in front of themselves.

Mother Concern is here to lend a helping hand in order to help people not only cope but also start building something for themselves.
They are here to give aid however they can, with food, water and various donations that people have been making in order to help the causes that they are fighting for.

Making life a bit better

Poverty has this weird power of making the world seem gray and lifeless, the power to make every day mean nothing, and occasions that once meant something to us simply go by with nothing more than a couple of mumbles lost in the wind.

When you lose everything, or when you have nothing to begin with, life can be rough and unforgiving, and even though you might feel helpless and stuck, like you are down on the ground and luck itself is kicking you in the teeth, there are always people there that will try and help with as much as they can. 

Sparing that little moment, that little help, that small donation, those kind words in time of need. These are all things that we more or less take for granted, however there are people out there for which they still mean the world.

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Friday, 29 July 2016

Empower Mother Concern to empower other people : Mother Concern in India

The world is not a safe and fair place for all of us, and believe it or not, there are still a lot of people out there that will find each and every opportunity to use their strength and power to put other people on their knees, ridicule them, hurt them and abuse them.
It has been going on since we started walking on two feet and it is still going on today, closer to our homes than we would have imagined.
Everywhere you look, you see it, from the bullying that goes on in schools to the cop that harasses you for parking an inch too far from the sidewalk, all the way to businessmen and powerful corporations forcing startups and young businesses into bankruptcy, everywhere you look it is the same strength and the same carelessness with which it is being used in order to subvert other people.

There are, however, places in this world where this has escalated to a whole new level, places where entire families are being oppressed, abused and bullied constantly because of various reasons, being forced to deal with humiliation and fear, being shamed and harassed constantly, each and every day.

Imagine the look in a Mother’s eyes as her young boy is being held down by other boys and beaten by them because he looked at them in a weird way, while she is powerless to do anything, imagine having to walk around looking in all directions at the same time, being afraid that something will happen to you constantly, imagine being the victim on such a magnitude.

MotherConcern has, because the people that operate under its banner have been there themselves or have had loved ones that have been in that exact situation as well as many others.

They are able to help, and they are helping as many people, as many families, as many women as they can in order to help them rise up, get the strength and the confidence that they need in order to stand up for themselves and say “No, I will not be a victim anymore”, something that takes a lot of courage for anyone, regardless of the situation.

What can you do to help?
Motherconcern is always in the need of donations and extra hands to help with their actions,as well as more and more people to get involved with this cause.
The time to act has come, and the time to sit idle was never there in the first place. You can make a difference for a lot of people out there, scared people frightened people that have been oppressed and bullied for a very long time.

Support Mother Concern and make it possible for the people that have been living in constant fear to stand up, become empowered and find the courage that they need in order to live a happy and safe life again.

You can change a lot of lives in a single moment, might as well be now.

Benefits of Having NGOs like Mother Concern in India

Non- Government Organizations, regardless of their location, are of great help for making and transformation of a society. These organizations work with the alliance of many different private or public firms that are playing an important role in building a society. So these NGOs play a very important role for the well- being and the character building of a society. 

In the modern world, the most important and the rising issue of the developing countries is the inhumane treatment and violence among the girls and the women, their vanished human rights and also the violence and many other issues regarding health, safety and education. For this reason, there formed a number of organizations that are working to preserve the rights of the women and to strengthen their positions in the specific society. Among all these organizations, the most highlighted one is the Mother Concern that is working with other different companies and firms to make the place of Mothers, sisters, daughters and girls stronger in India.
There is the great need for the formation of such organizations like the Mother Concern in every nation that will allow the region to achieve the following benefits:

Benefits of Women NGOs in India:
There are a number of benefits of having NGOs like Mother Concern in India. These NGOs will not only strengthen the position and status of women, but also it helps to transform the whole society for the better tomorrow. Though having much criticism on NGOs like the wastage of money and time, these Women NGOs are working firmly and smoothly that is attributed all to these NGOs.

Here are some of the benefits that the NGOs like Mother Concern provide to the nation and society:

1.     Gender Equality: the most important concern of the numbers of developing countries is the Gender inequality. Most of the people in the rural areas think women to be the creatures that are made to treat inhumanely and are not considered equal to men. In order to reduce that gender inequality, these NGOs play a very important role to create the awareness of the gender equality among the men and women of the nation.

2.     Technical assistance and Training: another major advantage of having the Women NGOs like Mother Concern in India is the assurance of the technical assistance and training of the women so that they can prove to be equal to men in all the aspects of life. This will also help the women to achieve a better position in the society by assisting the governments.

3.     Provision of Health: as for the health of women, these organizations are the only one to take a step. The most important determinants of the health of person are the political, social and environmental conditions in their lives. So with these organizations, the social, cultural, political and the environmental conditions in regards to women are broadly improved that is taken as a plus for all these organizations. 

Friday, 20 May 2016

Role of Mother Concern in Creating a Better Tomorrow

Mother Concern is one of the most prominent names when it comes to the Non- Government Organizations. The organization is named after “Mother”, which is one of the most beautiful creations of the nature. Mothers Concern is the organization that has been working since the past number of years in order to bring the equality among the gender, peace in the society and to bring the better tomorrow for the welfare of the people.

Mother Concern is the organization that is working with the collaboration of the different companies working for the betterment of women in all the sectors of the life. The main mission of the organization is to provide the women with the status that they are born to deserve. With the provision of good health, better nutrition, excellent education and the great skills, the Mother Concern organization is creating the confidence among women that they can do everything that a man can do.

The movements of the organization are making people aware of the present day condition of the women in the society and what they need to better survive in the present day. Mother Concern foundation has pooled a great social work to bring the condition of the women back to normal status.

Here are the services that are provided by the Mothers Concern organization.

Services Provided by Mothers Concern:

Mother Concern is the trusted and the well- known organization located in New Delhi that offers the secure and the safe platform to the women so that they can feel free to share their feelings in regards to the behavior that they face. Here are the important services that are provided by the Mothers Concern with regards to all the conditions and problems that the Women have to face:

1.     Women Empowerment: in the Indian society, women are not considered to be equal to men. They are not given the equal human rights that the men enjoy, they are not provided with the facility to get the education like the men get. So, with the platform of the Mother Concern, women are given equal rights in every regard. They are given the opportunity to get the education and the full economic independence so that they can be capable to take care of their own life without any support. The women are given  training in typing, tailoring and beauty culture to have the full liberty in regards to economic conditions.

2.     Combating Violence: another major service that is provided by the Mothers Concern is the prevention of the violence against women. Women are treated in a very inhumane manner because of the fact that they are women. With the training and the free space to discuss about the violence, women are allowed to share all the treatments so that the attacker must be given the legal punishment regarding his violence. Mothers Concern prevents the violence against the women and has a comprehensive approach to rehabilitate the men who are abusive.
      For more information visit-:

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Mother Concern | Violence against women

Violence against women is one of the most common and the most disappointing issue of the modern world that has continued to survive since the ancient times. This violence is actually the acts of harassment that are primarily committed against the women, all across the world. This type of violence is actually a gender based treatment against women because of the fact that they are women.

The violence against women is one of the crucial mechanism by which the women are forced to realize their low position in the society. Almost all the world have now become the victim of the Violence against women, but the most common countries are India, China, Pakistan and other countries including Africa.
Regarding the issue of the Violence against women, there is a great need of the revolutionary steps that can reduce the ratio of this severe violence against the poor creature of the world. By keeping this in mind, there are founding a number of organizations, public or private that are working on the non- government basis for the welfare of women’s right and the society. And among these NGOs, the most highlighted and the prominent one is Mother Concern.
All about Mothers Concern:
Mother Concern is the Non- Government type Organization that works with the alliance of the different small scale organizations working for the preservation of the rights of women. This organization is actually an Indian organization that is located with the head -quarters in New Delhi.
The main mission and goals of the organization of the Mother Concern is to improve the status of the women of India so that they can survive better in the world. With the providence of the health, provision of adequate nutritional status and with the endowment of the education to the women, Mother Concern provides each and everything to the women that they need to strengthen their position in the modern society.
The Role of Mother Concern in Combating Violence against Women:
Regarding the most crucial issue of the country of India, Mother Concern is concerned for that too. Violence against the women and girls is surely not tolerated. And that is the reason why Mother Concern is offering a wide space for women to share violence that they endure. The activists of the Mothers Concern encourage the women to report the instances of the violence against them so that the legal steps would be taken against the violent person. Speaking up against the violence is the first ending step of violence in India that must be taken by the women to improve their status and condition in the society.
A combination of the efforts regarding the training, education, health, grooming and laws and creating the infrastructure that can significantly reduce the violence and the tragic consequences of violence on women.
For prevention of the violence against the women, the first step is to observe the abusive behavior and the factors that initiate the violence against women and then women must be trained to handle such behavior.

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Thursday, 7 April 2016

Empower Mother Concern to empower other people :

The world is not a safe and fair place for all of us, and believe it or not, there are still a lot of people out there that will find each and every opportunity to use their strength and power to put other people on their knees, ridicule them, hurt them and abuse them.
It has been going on since we started walking on two feet and it is still going on today, closer to our homes than we would have imagined.

Everywhere you look, you see it, from the bullying that goes on in schools to the cop that harasses you for parking an inch too far from the sidewalk, all the way to businessmen and powerful corporations forcing startups and young businesses into bankruptcy, everywhere you look it is the same strength and the same carelessness with which it is being used in order to subvert other people.

There are, however, places in this world where this has escalated to a whole new level, places where entire families are being oppressed, abused and bullied constantly because of various reasons, being forced to deal with humiliation and fear, being shamed and harassed constantly, each and every day.

Imagine the look in a Mother’s eyes as her young boy is being held down by other boys and beaten by them because he looked at them in a weird way, while she is powerless to do anything, imagine having to walk around looking in all directions at the same time, being afraid that something will happen to you constantly, imagine being the victim on such a magnitude.

Mother Concern has, because the people that operate under its banner have been there themselves or have had loved ones that have been in that exact situation as well as many others.

They are able to help, and they are helping as many people, as many families, as many women as they can in order to help them rise up, get the strength and the confidence that they need in order to stand up for themselves and say “No, I will not be a victim anymore”, something that takes a lot of courage for anyone, regardless of the situation.

What can you do to help?

Mother concern is always in the need of donations and extra hands to help with their actions,as well as more and more people to get involved with this cause.
The time to act has come, and the time to sit idle was never there in the first place. You can make a difference for a lot of people out there, scared people frightened people that have been oppressed and bullied for a very long time.

Support Mother Concern and make it possible for the people that have been living in constant fear to stand up, become empowered and find the courage that they need in order to live a happy and safe life again.

You can change a lot of lives in a single moment, might as well be now.

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